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anyone know about the cheat code ?






DIRECTIONS FOR FLOOR PUZZLE: (starting on the first black/grey square go): right, down, right, right, up, up, up, left, up, left, up, up, up, right, right, right, down, down, right, right, right, up, right, right, down, down, down, left, left, left, down, down, down, right, right, up, right, right

QUESTION 3 ANSWER: The Pillar of Creation

It took me so long to figure this out thank me later lmao 

present For fiona: Marigolds (flowerstore)

Daisy loves roses

when will update come? its been long

I don't get the library tower puzzle embarrassingly 






DIRECTIONS FOR FLOOR PUZZLE: (starting on the first black/grey square go): right, down, right, right, up, up, up, left, up, left, up, up, up, right, right, right, down, down, right, right, right, up, right, right, down, down, down, left, left, left, down, down, down, right, right, up, right, right

QUESTION 3 ANSWER: The Pillar of Creation

It took me so long to figure this out thank me later lmao 

uhhh the church girl just disappeared after I took her quest to get food

(2 edits)

Old save isn't working on the new download, FYI.

Edit: And I can't edit the default name. Am I missing a button or something?

Edit II: It's Escape. Can you make the delete button Backspace or Delete? Not Escape?

How do you download for Mac

Is there voice acting?

Nope. I think the Dev is doing it basically all on their own, and Voice Actors (decent ones, at least) aren't that cheap.

Is good game, though!

No VA is a bummer, but I'll still check it out . Thanks for replying

This is a great game, love the art and the town management mechanics. SPECIALLY LOVED THE DND LORE, i see you, name dropping pelor, bahamut and sehaine like i wouldnt know them, having CHRM and METL DRG being the way they are i know and i love it.

So, i been experiencing the mac problem of the "Game" can't be open and i found a solution that helped me fixed and play the game. (I'm not used to Macs and how this works but this is what i learned and figured out doing research online to try to fix this)

  1. First, after you download the game and is unzipped. You'll want it in a place it in a place that would be easily accessible for when doing the next step(s).
  2. Open up the terminal that can be found in the Finder>Applications > Utilities > Terminal
  3. Next, in the Terminal you'll want to type or copy this command "chmod -R +x (drag the application from where you had it into terminal here w/out the parentheses and a space between the +x and the application name)" and enter.  If this doesn't work because of "permission denied". You'll want to add Sudo to the command and it will look like this "sudo chmod -R +x" and its the same thing as before but it will ask for your password as you'll run the command as admin and wants to make sure you want to do it.
  4. This should the convert the MacOs into the proper files to run and should be able to run the game now. Lastly, enjoy the game.

P.s: This worked for me and I'm not sure if it will work for everyone.

a bug, if you go to the cave within the cave at the top of the mountain on the right side, and you haven't killed the bat, the bat can get behind you before you're forced away from the cave entrance. I got soft locked there after not saving about 20 minutes of resource gathering and rage quit.

I never can get your game to work on mac I always have the nwjs crashing on my computer. I get past security and everything but the nwjs crashes everytime. :(

(1 edit)

i dont get the code puzzle in the library :(


nvm but there are way to many numbers in the second book so i got confused

can you give me a hint on how to get the code?

1 bla bla 7bla bla 1bla bla 4bla bla


Fun game, I like the town upgrade system a lot- though I kinda wish you could turn in building materials as you get them, since a few times I'd have all but one material but if I went to gather more and I already had 99 wood it would feel like a bit of a waste, and if I bought it I wouldn't have enough money to upgrade.

Also two major bugs I found- you can go in one of the farm buildings in Calden, but there's no exit so you're just stuck. The second one makes me unable to complete the exorcism quest, I had both requests to get water from the cave and got both in one trip, but I did Jessica's quest first and I don't have the spring water nor a gather spot at the spring anymore.


The game had a few QoL problems, the devs were very present and listened to all the feedback, they fixed a lot of them, and now the game is much more pleasant and chill to run. The new combat skills also feel very nice, and the new lewds are amazing and sweet as always. The game has it all; fun but simple combat, fighters with different identities, quests that feel unique, where each has a gimmick or mechanic that makes them stand out, and very sweet stories of love, affection and cuteness, and finally some consensual, wholesome cumflation. I have nothing more to say, this game is amazing, and the devs are very proactive communicators and very proficient game designers, and I can't wait to see this develop further. Kudos!


I am just currious is there an ETA on the next updaye?

Hello, I'm loving the game so far and it genuinely feels like a sin not being able to support you from Patreon or even in here.

Anyways, I have finished the current version like weeks ago already. May I just ask if you have a site where where you have the walkthrough for the quests and lists of characters? Especially for the latter since there's quite a lot of characters you're planning to add lol.

One last question, where can you find Emily?


Emily is at the house north of the fruit and vegetable shop

(1 edit)

The house is empty on my game :(

(1 edit)

I appreciate the reply, but I already found it and there seems to be a new character that I couldn't find and that is "Nimue." Is there perhaps a map for the whole game to know where certain characters are? I've done my research and couldn't find it.

I don't know of any map, but Nimue is at the blacksmith at night


Hi! Great game with amazing art. The lewd animations are pretty fun too.

Played the v0.2.1 Update and found a bug where if you collect the Vial of Purest Water for both The Exorcism of Emily and The "Secret" Forumla Quests at the same time, proceeding with one Quest's minigame will consume both Vials and lock you out of the other Quest.

Tested this out by finishing Jessica's Quest first then when I came back to Aurwyn, I couldn't continue the Questline since I no longer had the Key Item in my Inventory.

Would love it if there was a way to collect more of the Vials of Purest Water or if the Key Items were tracked separately. Thank you! Looking forward to future updates and the rest of the cast's content!

Hello! Ty for your feedback! We will fix that ugly bug that locks you on completing one of the girls chain quest for next version! Sorry for the trouble!


Am I the only one who thinks that the map music ABSOLUTELY SLAPS!?!

What is that track?

The theme when you're in the World Map? It's a custom RPG Maker theme just a bit faster. The only OST we have right now is the one from the main screen!

(1 edit)

Just let me know when it for mobile plz

How do help daisy fish on mobile pls respond back to this plz

People who play on mobile use Joi Player, since gathering and fishing can't be done with touchscreen atm! I'm very sorry!

Thank you for telling me

Hallo there!

I think i found a bug. After Daisy has moved to the village (to the Inn), it is unfortunately impossible to speak with her at night and unlock the third scene.


(P.S.: I love the game! The art and the fetishes, the story and i just want more ^^)

I'm aware and I'll fix it for next release. Sorry that happened Admiral! And ty for the feedback! n.n

No problem and thanks für your hard work! ^-^

So, do you guys update your game every month?

Approximately. From 3 to 5 weeks depending on how much content we're releasing!

Deleted 2 years ago

Tyvm LeoFP for pointing those out! I'll work on fixing them for the next version! n.n

Deleted 2 years ago

Sry Leo the Underground Fight Club is not implemented yet! And you can visit Annya after you do Queenie's first quest in the spider cave of the forest!

How do I find the cat for heather?

Look around the northeastern part of the central town! :)

Deleted 2 years ago

None of those sadly. It's RPG Maker MZ

Deleted 3 years ago

Does anyone else have trouble launching on Mac? It keeps saying I don't have permission despite me doing everything to give myself permission.

There's someone in the comments down below that posted how to make it work for MAC

(2 edits)

Can you please tell me what that song in the ending is called when you fuck the girl boss neemyha?

Every song except the main title one is custom RPG maker sadly. Just changed their speed sometimes!

(3 edits)

Oh my, what a delighful wee pearl we have here. This game is really amazing, and the developer is so active and helpful in the comments, I really think we are looking at something that can, either in the present or the future, be wonderful. Here's my impression after about 5-6 hours of gameplay and completing (I think) all the available content:

- The art style is the cutest thing ever. I understand if this unrealistic, cartoonish look isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I do dig those chibi-ish characters. I'm usually a bit skeptical about animated sex scenes, because they most often turn out as dull, badly photoshopped gifs in a lot of games, but here - probably also thanks to the simplistic art style - they're very smooth, very squishy (hehe) and very enjoyable! If you can put up with the cartoon look, they're really gonna be hot.

- The game understands how a quest system should work. Every quest is different from the others, we have fetch quests, combat quests, puzzles... Lots of games abuse the same activity for each questline (like, a lot are just visual novel-ish systems where you just talk a bit with someone and that's it, quest stage's done, others are all combat, others are all gift-based...), but I never felt the need to skip a quest, which isn't something you can say often in the ero games world.

- As far as pure content goes, this game is one of the best ever, love feels like it develops organically, scenes don't feel forced, and frigging FINALLY we can have some consensual, wholesome cumflation. No orcs abusing elves, no futas overshadowing every other gender (nothing against futas, they're just not my thing). I feel this game scratches an issue that many people like me could have, and all the erotic content of the game was just a blast.

- The main thing the game could improve on is some quality of life tweaks. The town is huge, it takes a lot of time to get where you need to go, points of interests are barely labeled, and I spent way much more time than I would like to admit just roaming around desperately trying to find the panda girl. The guards don't help - the directions system is weird, why do you name a place and they tell you what's in there? Wouldn't it be better to ask for a point of interest/character and have them direct you there? As things are now, it only takes a lot of time to go through every question for the guards and trying to spot the place you seek within their words - although the different text color helps.

- The game can be very grindy and time-consuming, it does some things to keep the farming enjoyable, like quick time events to gather resources, but it gets repetitive pretty quickly. You need resources, potions to go into combat quests, vegetables for the nun's quest, antidotes for the spiders, tools to gather resources, and your only reliable income is the rats quest, which barely allows you to buy two health potions (maybe three if you cash in the rats' fangs, but that adds a quite noticeably long journey to the suburbs to this already lengthy process), and even resting costs a tiny bit of gold. After gathering resources for the first building, and seeing I had to do it all over again, I just used a file editor to give myself a kphjillion coins, and I do not regret it, lol.

- Although on a positive note, I'd say the combat eventually turns into a resource management, having to make use of the few potions you have in the horrific thought of having to grind more, and that was fun in its own way, so overall I wouldn't say I ever had a bad time grinding stuff.

- The gift system feels a bit... Unnecessary? We already have a nice progression condition, that being completing the quests, and the gifts kinda just add some more grinding to the game. No big deal though, and the girls' reactions to the gifts are cute.

- The beginning puzzle is very good, the opening was by far my favorite scene - although I might be biased because I like dark, atmospheric nights. Exploring the mansion looking for clues and the puzzle clock was a lot of fun, and while I wouldn't say I was eager to fight the skeletons, they surely added some variety to the quest. If there was a gameplay formula I'd encourage to expand upon, it would surely be the start.

Overall, this easily places in my top 10 favorite lewd games, if anything just because of how cute, smooth and sweet the sex scenes are - and because I am obsessed with cumflation. Kudos to the developer, and sorry for having them read through this essay, but I really like what y'all doing here, and I really hope you get the satisfaction you deserve from this game! Can't wait to see this updated.

Oh, one last thing, some people complain about the fact that important characters are drawn in a different, non-pixelated style of the map. I personally don't mind it, it's nice that the game communicates you which characters you should start lusting after right away :P and given how sweet the girls I've met so far in this game are, I was always excited upon spotting a smoothly-drawn sprite.

Ty so much for your kind words and your feedback dude! It really motivates us to keep pouring our energy and ideas on the game! Very glad you liked it! n.n

P.S: Yeah, I did read all of it x.x

damn wrote an entire essay of a comment but all of it was well deserved

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