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GG wut a great game too bad it been forgotten


and yet it seems like they just got a new game out.... Would have liked to give this here a try.

He said he will soon make a remake of the game


Welp, guys the dev disappeared, twitter account doesn't exist and patreon haven't been updated since 2023 so I guess this ia the end of game

Can anyone help me? I don't know how to pass the first side of the mission (I've been stuck on the first side for 3 hours).


Hey DMorphing are you going to update this great game  


sorry to ruin it for you but i guess they forgot this game (or it only updates patron version)


Taking a quick look at the Patron page, last post was Feb 2023. So, its been a while since an update. 


i dont know if this game is still getting developed, but if it is I have a note for the creator, i was playing the game and having a lot of fun but wanted to see if i could cheat, i obviously couldnt do so without the patreon code, right? 

i then decided to go into the game files and look at the code(which btw was super clean and easy to read), i then proceeded to edit the values of a lot of things, ie making killing an elk give me the underground pass, making certain items cost an infinite amount of money to sell and then selling said items, ANYWAY what im trying to say is that theres a way to make it so the code is uneditable so i would recommend you do that. all in all super fun game and i enjoyed that you actually have to grind for things

What should I do if Daphne has problems with T.I.M.?

I aint able to even run this on my mac, can anyone help?


for some reason when I launch the game I get this error, it wasn't there before and I don't know why, I even re installed the game

Where is the high quality soil? 

how do i use the traps? i select them in my inventory, but nothing happens

(1 edit)

Where can I find Nimue to start her quest? And where do I find Emily?

Any patrons here can you tell us what decision dev made, because #1: I don't have subscription and #2: I'm scared that he would abandon this project. 

But I'm also curious what will happen in the future

Idk maybe there doing one big update i have seen it before with other games.


I did not know that.

(1 edit) (+3)


how do you use the "MTK" for Not Guilty quests


The puzzle for daphne doesn't make sense the arrows won't lead to the finish anyway I do it

It's more complicated than you think, the there is wiki for this game that can help you

Do you have the wiki link

just google it and the first link will be the wiki

what is 'Failed to initialize graphics.'?

Its an error of the game, either it corrupted or something else

i don't get the material gathering thing i have an axe from the blacksmith but its not working and i don't know where to get a pick

axe can be used only on small trees in the forest, as for pickaxe it in the builder's shop, talk to the guy on the right side in the shop

Can anyone help me? How do you complete the feeding the needy? The mine part that i am confuse is where is the community dining hall?

(1 edit)

check the suburb area of the town, off to the left past the guild hal

When the next update!

Does anyone know where I can find the password for the cheat guy?

Those who want to play it on android(Error is related with lunafonts) , download Windows version and install maldives from play store and then open game and edit plug in disable lunafonts then press tick then it will start working


Sorry for late reply 

Step 1: download Windows version 

Extract to. /Archive Name/. I am using z archiver

Step 2 download maldives o

Step 3 Add game then locate the game folder

Allow access to game

Step 4 click on game (maldives) 

Step 5 click on edit plugins then

Step 6 find luna_morefonts


Your welcome

After this you will also be able to play in joiplay

posting again so it will be safe if the user i replied get deleted


how do you place the MKT I am begging you please tell us developer I'm on the 4.1 version and I am unable to place the traps

how do you do the Prison Break I am at the point where she asks you to go to the underground boxing all the suburbs what do I do I go to the underground boxing it says I need an invitation I go to the suburbs they ask password what do do

Is there an android version of this game? I want to play it on my phone

Download Windows version and install maldives from play store then open the game from maldives and before launching edit plugin Then disable lunafonts then it will start working

(1 edit)

I followed your guide but this happened, pls help

(1 edit)

Sorry for late reply 

Step 1: download Windows version 

Extract to. /Archive Name/. I am using z archiver

Step 2 download maldives o

Step 3 Add game then locate the game folder

Allow access to game

Step 4 click on game (maldives) 

Step 5 click on edit plugins then

Step 6 find luna_morefonts


Your welcome

After this you will also be able to play in joiplay

Okay, it still get error but I appreciate your help. Thank

(1 edit)

Try deleting old game folder and try extracting old zip file again. 🤔 And follow the my steps


is there any way to downright buy the game, and not have to do a subscription


how to place the magical trap?pls help me

(2 edits)

The tools mini game thing doesn't work for mobile(any of the mini timing things don't work)

Where is the high quality soil? Been looking around in mountains but can't find it.

Deleted 2 years ago

Go to the forest to the east of Calden Town. Then, head east until a bunch of trees stop you. You want to go around the trees. There should be a bridge to the east. Cross the bridge and keep going right. You should be able to find the spider den there.


How do I use MTK

where do i find Emily after the quest with Aurwyn?

im having sooo much trouble with the mtk's im dyin  any assistance pls?

Deleted 2 years ago

Nice, zip type file on android, how i could dowload it???

(1 edit)

its been a year its finally here lmao

Welp. Theres the json error again. And its not an apk. Did you put android by mistake, or is there a bug or something?

I've been told the android version is not working by many. I'm sorry :

I should apologize too. Making a game is hard, and i really shouldn't expect alot for an android version. So do your best at making the game fun and enjoyable for everyone. :D


Sadly doesnt work on joiplay or easyrpg. Just kept getting some missing json error. Ah well. Looks good tho.

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