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(3 edits)

Oh my, what a delighful wee pearl we have here. This game is really amazing, and the developer is so active and helpful in the comments, I really think we are looking at something that can, either in the present or the future, be wonderful. Here's my impression after about 5-6 hours of gameplay and completing (I think) all the available content:

- The art style is the cutest thing ever. I understand if this unrealistic, cartoonish look isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I do dig those chibi-ish characters. I'm usually a bit skeptical about animated sex scenes, because they most often turn out as dull, badly photoshopped gifs in a lot of games, but here - probably also thanks to the simplistic art style - they're very smooth, very squishy (hehe) and very enjoyable! If you can put up with the cartoon look, they're really gonna be hot.

- The game understands how a quest system should work. Every quest is different from the others, we have fetch quests, combat quests, puzzles... Lots of games abuse the same activity for each questline (like, a lot are just visual novel-ish systems where you just talk a bit with someone and that's it, quest stage's done, others are all combat, others are all gift-based...), but I never felt the need to skip a quest, which isn't something you can say often in the ero games world.

- As far as pure content goes, this game is one of the best ever, love feels like it develops organically, scenes don't feel forced, and frigging FINALLY we can have some consensual, wholesome cumflation. No orcs abusing elves, no futas overshadowing every other gender (nothing against futas, they're just not my thing). I feel this game scratches an issue that many people like me could have, and all the erotic content of the game was just a blast.

- The main thing the game could improve on is some quality of life tweaks. The town is huge, it takes a lot of time to get where you need to go, points of interests are barely labeled, and I spent way much more time than I would like to admit just roaming around desperately trying to find the panda girl. The guards don't help - the directions system is weird, why do you name a place and they tell you what's in there? Wouldn't it be better to ask for a point of interest/character and have them direct you there? As things are now, it only takes a lot of time to go through every question for the guards and trying to spot the place you seek within their words - although the different text color helps.

- The game can be very grindy and time-consuming, it does some things to keep the farming enjoyable, like quick time events to gather resources, but it gets repetitive pretty quickly. You need resources, potions to go into combat quests, vegetables for the nun's quest, antidotes for the spiders, tools to gather resources, and your only reliable income is the rats quest, which barely allows you to buy two health potions (maybe three if you cash in the rats' fangs, but that adds a quite noticeably long journey to the suburbs to this already lengthy process), and even resting costs a tiny bit of gold. After gathering resources for the first building, and seeing I had to do it all over again, I just used a file editor to give myself a kphjillion coins, and I do not regret it, lol.

- Although on a positive note, I'd say the combat eventually turns into a resource management, having to make use of the few potions you have in the horrific thought of having to grind more, and that was fun in its own way, so overall I wouldn't say I ever had a bad time grinding stuff.

- The gift system feels a bit... Unnecessary? We already have a nice progression condition, that being completing the quests, and the gifts kinda just add some more grinding to the game. No big deal though, and the girls' reactions to the gifts are cute.

- The beginning puzzle is very good, the opening was by far my favorite scene - although I might be biased because I like dark, atmospheric nights. Exploring the mansion looking for clues and the puzzle clock was a lot of fun, and while I wouldn't say I was eager to fight the skeletons, they surely added some variety to the quest. If there was a gameplay formula I'd encourage to expand upon, it would surely be the start.

Overall, this easily places in my top 10 favorite lewd games, if anything just because of how cute, smooth and sweet the sex scenes are - and because I am obsessed with cumflation. Kudos to the developer, and sorry for having them read through this essay, but I really like what y'all doing here, and I really hope you get the satisfaction you deserve from this game! Can't wait to see this updated.

Oh, one last thing, some people complain about the fact that important characters are drawn in a different, non-pixelated style of the map. I personally don't mind it, it's nice that the game communicates you which characters you should start lusting after right away :P and given how sweet the girls I've met so far in this game are, I was always excited upon spotting a smoothly-drawn sprite.

Ty so much for your kind words and your feedback dude! It really motivates us to keep pouring our energy and ideas on the game! Very glad you liked it! n.n

P.S: Yeah, I did read all of it x.x

damn wrote an entire essay of a comment but all of it was well deserved

Can't exit the cave after talking to the spider girl.  Not sure if anyone else has had the issue but I didn't see it in the comments.

Have you killed all the spiders?


im having trouble finding the tools for the inn repair, ive finished the 3 cahracters and have searched all over and in every shop but havent found the

The man next to Randall (the one that repairs the buildings) sells the tools for gathering materials! Are those the ones you mean?

yes that is what i was meaning and thank you for clarifyin

im trying to get wood or stone but it doesn't work

Are you playing on touchscreen? Sadly it's a common issue atm :(
I'm trying my best to fix it for next release! Sry!

Had a little trouble locating the second-hand goods shop in the suburbs. Any hint on where to find it?

it's next to the dinning hall! almost in the middle of the suburbs! I'll implement fast travel when talking to guards next update to prevent these kind of situations. Hope that helps!


I've tried all sorts of combinations I could think of, does anyone know what the damned cheat code is? I don't wanna deal with the constant grinding of 1 quest.

I don't understand clock puzzle at the beginning of the game so I am unable to progress and actually see any content. Can anyone explain it to me?


The clock hands mark the direction and number of steps to take. 9.05 and 6.05 means you've to take 5 steps to the left and 5 down, from the purple plant in the Farmside. I hope it helps!

(1 edit)

Ooooh. took me a while to figure out the logic behind this. I thought it was 9 to the left and 6 down. thanks

Deleted 3 years ago

Go to the adventurers guild in the southwestern corner of town! Loot chests from the big houses you can enter in town. Get some tools from R & R Construction (ask a guard for directions) and go gather resources in the wilds!

The jarring difference between important characters, while making it simple to tell which are important, was actually was sort of painful until my eyes adjusted. Otherwise i had fun, and the characters referring to asking for your help in a future update was very clever.

Ty for the feedback! Hopefully we'll replace all the extremely pixeled NPC characters sometime soon

Tengo una duda... una vez que ya encontré el collar y el "Necklace" (no se mucho inglés), que tengo que hacer?? Me dice que vea una forma de romper la maldición y que busque en cada habitación. No sabría que hacer, si me pueden ayudar se los agradecería mucho!! Y muy buen juego!! Les mando el mayor apoyo que puedo y suerte!! 

(1 edit)

Muchas gracias! Ya lo traduciremos pronto al español. Si ya tenes el Necklace te faltaría el Ring y la Insignia. Buscando en las estanterías de la casa te dicen donde está cada uno (el traductor de google te puede ayudar con esto). Espero te haya servido y gracias de nuevo por tu apoyo!

PD: cuando estés trabado proba hablar con Ulric en la iglesia también te ayuda en cada parte de la quest.

Idk if anyone else is experiencing this, but I keep getting an error that says that it failed to initialize graphics, does anyone know a fix for this?

Hello there. That's strange. Haven't happened before to anyone I think. I'll look into a solution for you tomorrow!

Hey, I was just wondering if you have found out the issue yet, if you need more info, then I would be happy to give as much as I can find.

Apparently it has something to do with the Graphic Card drivers. There are several solutions in the official RPG Maker forum there. What I would do is try another version (i.e if you're having problems with the Win version try the Web). Other than that, I cannot really do anything since it's not a bug or anything from the game :/ I hope that helps!

thank you very much

Deleted 3 years ago

Try her "Quest" option! Also remember to give her some gifts if you're still not close enough with her

I played as much as I could, got all the content I could outta the 3 available girls, and this game is a great first impression! I'm really looking forward to seeing how this game turns out! (The only bug I'll mention is just a minor one, sorry I can't be specific here, I just ran into some invisible barriers once or twice. They were only the size of a square/character sprite so it wasn't a big deal.)

ty for the feedback! yah there's some tileset problems that I'm fixing on the run while people encouter them. Glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

Okay. Not super far in, but few comments:

1) Art style should be unified. The 16-bit pixel NPCs stand out against the hand-drawn party members. With that said... I do like the hand-drawn stuff, especially the smutty bits. :)

2) It's a little dull at times, and confusing to figure out where to go. Fast Travel would be nice, and some clearer directions.

Overall, though, I definitely like where this is going. I wouldn't necessarily recommend it to my friends YET, but it's definitely on its way. You're doing some cool stuff!

Edit: I found an issue-there's no backspace button in the name entry screen,

Constructive criticism is always welcome and taken in consideration! Ty for your feedback!

(1 edit)

Just did the nun's quest. The minigame feels unneeded-plus, these are people who NEED the food. It doesn't make sense that they'd be angry if it took more than ten seconds to get their food.

Also, the first needy person was off-screen, so I failed once because I didn't see it at all.

Edit: Some overall thought-don't add minigames. Focus on making a good combat game, and use that for most of it. Also good art-because is good art. :)

Tried this out.  A few comments:

+I like the artstyle of the heroines and scenes.

+There's at attempt to vary the gameplay with mini-games and puzzles.

-There's a lot here that just feels like you're completely wasting the players time/padding rather than try to make a fun game.  You desperately need a fast travel system for the large town, and to quickly return to your room when you need to pass time.  Or even better just a 'pass time' item.  Most of the playtime is spent walking around and clicking on trees/mining points.  That would be one thing if I was playing Stardew or something with an elaborate set of mechanics behind all of it, but this is just very simplistic 'gather X to proceed' gameplay.  There's no reason to drag it out.

-Combat is incredibly pointless without any skills or levelling.

It sounds harsh and I realize this is a very early build, but I also wouldn't have bothered to write this if I didn't find some of it interesting. There needs to be a balance between keeping the game fun and interesting, while obviously not just handing everything to the player on a silver platter.

Ty for the feedback and the time you took to write it! Really appreciate it! Combat will be more dynamic once we open the Combat Academy in Town next release where you'll be able to train and learn new skills, as well as meeting some sexy instructors! For now as you say, it's too basic. About the fast travel I really need to think on how to implement it. One thing that won't be changed is gathering though. There will be more mechanics to make good money and with it you can simply buy the materials to save time if gathering them yourself tires you out. But everything else will be taken in consideration! (for real) Ty again and hope to hear from you next time!

Will you port this for android ?

I will as soon as I can. For the moment you can use the web version with a 3rd party program as some said in the comments.

I was able to get the web version to work on my phone, qnd it runs perfectly! This game is amazing so far, and ai can't wait for future updates!

Ty for your feedback man! We're already working on next content update!

cosa devo fare dopo aver trovato la pianta viola ?

5 steps to the left, then 5 steps down from the purple plant. There you'll find the necklace!

grazie mille

I can help you translate your game to spanish if you want  😗👍

My main language is spanish too (I'm form Argentina) but I'm not thinking about doing translations yet. Ty for the offer!

quede jaja xD

How do I get coins? I've been wondering around aimlessly for about 20 minutes looking for gathering tools or a way to get coins to buy them and haven't found anything


A good start is going to the guild and doing the Sewers Cleaning quest! You can repeat it each day. Ask a guard for directions if you don't know where it is! Hope that helps.

(1 edit)

Helped quite a bit, thank you! A quest that tells you to go there to get coins might be a good feature to add 

Start by doing quests, then once you have a pickaxe, go to the mountains and mine for copper and silver. You can then sell that to a blacksmith for lots of coins.

Deleted 2 years ago

Clearly a bug. For the scene of the Inn. It was something left from an old version that interferred with the new ones. And about Queenie, someone informed me of the bug yesterday and I'm working on it for next version. Check if she's already in your new shop at night if you can't find her in the Clothier's Shop in Calden town.

I was told she'd already spawn there. Sry for the trouble!

(1 edit)

is there a way to move save data?

i dont want to start again

and where is queenie

As long as you haven't cleared the spiders in the forest you can use your old save. Queenie is inside the Clothier shop in Calden. Near the northeast entrance!

How do you save your progress.

I can't seem to save my progress in any rpg maker game

(1 edit)

How far ahead is the Patreon version? TBH it's a little frustrating that every "bonus scene" that I've found so far hasn't been implemented and hoping that's different with the Patreon version. Otherwise really enjoying the game.

Patron version is the same. The next big update will be recieved sooner for them (2 weeks sooner only). But since this is the first public version released I've uploaded it for everyone. Hope the info helps and sorry for the lack of content :(

Oh please don't misunderstand. The content is fine as is the amount for a game this early in development. More just a little disappointing when I think I've found something and it's not ready yet. I wasn't complaining. More just hoping. Sorry if I gave off the wrong impression. The content in the game so far is very good.

I know you meant that! :) I'm thankful for your feedback! Hopefuly if work doesn't end me, I'll be uploading a content update monthly.

Oh good! I'm glad I didn't come across the wrong way! I did have a couple of questions. Where do you find the veggies for the 'Feeding the Needy' quest? The only place I can find them is at the produce shop, but it costs more to buy them than the quest turn-in rewards you so I can't imagine that's where you have to get them, but I can't for the life of me figure it out. I'm also curious where the gathering tools(shovel, pickaxe, etc) are located, because, again, I cannot for the life of me find them.  Last but not least is there a levelling system or is it all gear based? I'm just stuck at level 1 at them moment and it doesn't seem to be going up. Please feel free not to answer any or all of my questions if you don't want to give too much away.

Please ignore my other post. I decided to become a Patron and saw that it included a walkthrough. I am still curious about the levelling, however. Is it just level 1 and gear based?

Yah I decided it was not going to follow the classic RPG way of farming mobs. Instead you and your girls will be able to level up once harder content comes up, in the combat academy that's currently closed, just in front of the main entrance of Calden Town!
Btw tyvm for your patronage! n.n

(1 edit)

Game was updated with fixes. Please visit the Devlog for the changelog. Thank you.

P.S: Sry for the delay. Work's been very heavy these last few days.


I'm stuck at the part where we take first vilage quest, where we have to walk 9 steps to the right and 6 down from the purple plant.                                                  Nothing happens and I dont receive the last family heirloom.


It's 5 steps in each direction! That's why the hours are 9.05 and 6.05! Hope that helps!


Didn't even think of that.

Hey I love the game so far and the artwork is amazing. But I am having trouble finding Randall the builder. Also how do I start Queenie's quest?

If you're in the Town talk to a guard for directions! Randall is near the Northeastern entrance. A wooden house with a hammer sign on it!


Deleted 3 years ago

You don't see the door cuz it's on the other side. You'd enter "from the roof" since the entrance is north. From the fountain/well just go down till you hit the building

it's not working

Here it is. You can go in during daytime

I hope to have a walkthrough

Official one is benefit for 1$ patreons sry! But if you need specific help there is helpful info in some forums!


Really love the artwork, it's cute and sexy at the same time, the perfect combo. Though having both NPCs with hand drawn chibis and pixelated chibis feels kind of odd.
The only problem I encountered is the fact that resources and monsters don't seem to respawn? Like I tried skipping days and they just seem gone forever.

Tyvm! We will eventually hand-draw every character and NPC so they don't feel so out of place!

I'm very looking forward to this game. I'm a big furry/monster guy myself, and it reminds me of another game that's currently being made. I'm going keep checking on those updates. Overall keep up the great work, and have fun making it. Loving what I see so far. 

Tyvm! :)

one of the best games I have played in these times but I found several bugs in some areas such as the imminent teleportation to other inaccessible areas of the map

Tyvm for the feedback, if you could please PM some of the bugs so I can fix them I'd appreciate it!

So not sure if you know but the android OS is a .rar and not APK. so should just remove android till you figure it out.

(1 edit)

I just removed it for now, sadly. After many, many hours of trying to make the deployed apk file work in my phone I couldn't do it. So I'll ask for help from an Android developer to do so. I'm really sorry for this :(

Thanks for trying, most phones wont even let you unpack or rename a .rar into a .apk. Rather just remove it instead of crushing our spirits when we see android game and bam .rar lol

I'll find someone who can deploy it properly I swear!

Download JOI Play. May need to get the build before the latest update of it though as the newest one broke some stuff. I was able to play it through that for the time being.

Ty! very useful information! :)

how'd you get it to work? i keep gettiing an json error?

Make sure you're using the older build. Latest build for it kinda broke stuff.

Can you link the old build?

The Queenie box mini-game seems to be bugged, after completing it once the game freezes but the quest still progressed after I reloaded the save and waited a day. Also, trying to push one box into another box softlocks the game.

Also, I'm not sure how to replicate this but while I was trying to leave an area an enemy walked up to me and started an encounter at the same time which froze the game.

Some kind of map system would also be greatly appreciated; I spent quite a while wandering around randomly.

Otherwise, the game is quite polished. Looking forward to future updates!

Ty for the feedback! Will be working on fixing the bugs. The enemy one will be quite difficult though lol.  In town you can ask guards for directions but maybe a minimap would be ideal. Stay tuned for the next update! n.n

can i have a hand to draw the game thanks

What do you mean..?

which I can't install because it tells me the RAR package is impossible to extract so there is some app to have the game application

Sindocouger said in another comment he made it work like this:
Download JOI Play. May need to get the build before the latest update of it though as the newest one broke some stuff. I was able to play it through that for the time being.

so i have to download an app to play another app?

That seems to be the case for the moment. A working version for android will be up again as soon as possible.

I can't found the purple necklace...

This bothered a lot of people.  If you notice the clocks in the house the smaller hand on each has an arrow pointing the direction in which you've to move. The other one the number of steps. So for 9.05 and 6.05 it should be from the purple plant: 5 steps to the left and 5 steps down. There you'll get the necklace.

Welp. Turns out you can break the game. Explored the forest, went to spiders, killed one. Came back with Queenie, can't enter cave cause I think it still wants me to kill the one that I got rid of already.

Many encountered that bug. I'm sorry. We're fixing every little thing we get reported and will be uploading a new version soon!

Re-uploaded the Mac version I hope it works fine for you guys.

(1 edit) (+1)

Mac user.  I have it running, but you need to bypass the application permission check for MacOS Big Sur or later.  My typical workaround for many games that seem to not work on MacOS is to open a Terminal window and type the following command

sudo chmod -R 755

put a space after it and drag and drop the game into the Terminal window to populate the path and hit enter.  Hold Control and launch game to get the last security check to display the open option,  and from that point onward it should open without issue.

Excelent! Tyvm for your help! n.n

It does not work on mac either. Don't download this, I think it might be a virus. There's no signed developer and it defaults to a freaking VLC file.

We're currently working on a solution both for Mac and Andriod OS. The game is automatically compiled with RPG Maker MZ for each of the available OS. 

Make sure the game is properly deployed. It should be a .zip rather than a .rar for MacOS. Also, I scanned it for malware, and there's no issues. So be assured!

Ty so much for your help! I'm gonna change the extension then, hope that does the work.

You need to move the app out of the folder Game for mac


How do i get it to run on android?

What error are you currently getting? Both Mac and Android versions seem to be having problems.


There's no application in the android version


I'll work on it ASAP thanks for the reply.


The android version should be in an apk format, otherwise it just wont run at all


I'm having trouble with the apk, RPG Maker MZ is not friendly and compile the game without an executable file. As soon as I have it ready I'll upload it sorry for the inconvenience.

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